Outside of the Lab
We have a united team; we have get-together occasions outside of the lab for recreation and charity events. The members of the Verdu Lab have been consistent supporters of the Crohns and Colitis Canada Gutsy Walk. Throughout the year we team up with other Farncombe Institute lab faculty to fund-raise and bring awareness to the foundation’s research.
This page contains recent news from the lab, and events.
VerduLab on Twitter!
The Verdu Lab now has an official twitter account! Follow for news, updates, and more!
ICDS Sheffield 2024
Just wrapped up a wonderful international Symposium in Celiac Disease (ICDS) 2024, at Sheffield, UK. Congratulations to Sara and UK for winning travel awards on behalf of the Society for Study of Celiac disease. In 2 years…Melbourne, Australia! And now for some...
Award for UK from Celiac Canada
A big thank you to Celiac Canada and a huge congratulations to Utkarshini for being awarded the 2024 Dr. J.A. Campbell Research Grant. We are very grateful for the support of our research. Stay tuned to see the fruits of UK's work!
Best Oral Presentation by Amber Hann
So proud of Amber Hann for being awarded the oral presentation award at WCI 2024 in Quebec! Well done Amber and congratulations for a stellar presentation on microbial proteolytic activity in IBD.
Celebrating Awards and Achievements at the FHS Graduate Plenary
I am delighted to have received the prestigious Excellence in Graduate Supervision award at the FHS Graduate plenary. Thank you for this honour! Additionally, we are proud to celebrate the Outstanding Achievement awards presented to Mark Wulczynski and U.K.! A special...
Awards for Amber and Kelly
Fantastic news coming from the lab last month. Congratulations to Amber Hann (PhD student) on receiving The 2023-2024 Douglas C. Russell Memorial Scholarship, established by the bequest of Olga H. Russell for deserving graduate students in Medical Science. And an...
Verdu lab takes on the 2024 Medical Sciences Research Day!
Great presentations all around by members of the lab. I am always proud to see everyone share their important work and present so well. -E.
New article on food additives
Together with collaborators at INRAE, France, in a new study from Mark Wulczynski and Dr. Heather Galipeau we have unveiled findings on the long-term effects of the common food additive silicon dioxide (SiO2) on gut immune health. Turns out, while SiO2 doesn't...
Celiac Canada Award Winners!
Congratulations to Mark Wulczynski for being awarded the 2023 James A. Campbell Young Investigator Award! So proud. Congratulations as well to Farncombe faculty member Dr. Maria Ines Pinto-Sanchez for being awarded the 2023 main grant. See the full announcement here.
Looking forward to the FINI Symposium on Friday!
On Friday November 24 we look forward to the 2023 Farncombe Institute Nutrition Initiative Symposium: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly! Nutrition in Inflammatory Gastrointestinal Disorders Alumni Memorial Hall, McMaster University https://www.finisymposium2023.ca/ We...
A spooky journal club!
Journal club got SPOOKY today - look at all these amazing costumes! Free (honourary) PhD to whoever can find Waldo!